Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Truck Demoltion Derby

9.6.08: What is better then the Logan Truck Demotlion Derby with Family, Friends, and Terry?!? Demoltion Derby's are so much fun and very entertaining. Not only does everyone sit around and wathc truck after truck plow into each other, but the enviroment is so full of adventure.. Watching people get SO lively with the sound of a car crashing into the other. Jenni, Josh, Terry, Jake, Bri, and I all decided that it would be a great activity for the evening. So we went to Costa Vida for dinner and head to the derby stadium. The Derby started and we just scream and cheered for the Truck that we picked. There was a lot of chaos and mud flying. About the Third heat, Terry was like... "I wanna see someone flip someone!" Just about a few second after that right in front of us, one truck T-boned the other truck and completely FLIPPED the yellow truck on its side.. Cheers and scream from the crowd filled the stadium.. and then we all realized that the yellow truck at catch on fire because of the flip.. it was pretty intense! We all had a great time.. after the derby we went back to the Rigby's for rootbeer floats and piano playing. It was a good fun and definately memorable time! Thanks guys--

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